Equity, Inclusion, Diversity, Access, and Belonging
EIDAB at Pasadena Waldorf School
At Pasadena Waldorf School, we are taking on the profound task of self-reflection and action to build an education that reflects, affirms, and celebrates the rich cultural diversity that makes up our school, greater Los Angeles, and the world at large.
We believe we are stronger as a School community and make better decisions when we embrace our unique backgrounds, experience, and perspectives and when all feel essential to the school’s success.
The PWS Equity, Inclusion, Diversity, Access and Belonging Mandate Group (EIDAB) is a group of parents, teachers, and employees spearheading this work within our school community.
On this page you will find examples of EIDAB at work within our school and community.
Who we are
EIDAB members: Rosa Balderrama, Maya Martinez Dawkins, Michele Mondia, Yoelle Carter Martinez, Antoinette Walker, Adrienne Wilde
The PWS Scholarship for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity supports Waldorf education for current and new students from the Black community and other communities of color. The scholarship is open to any student who would also qualify for enrollment and Tuition Assistance at PWS. The scholarship is meant to help cover costs above the qualified Tuition Assistance award in order to help retain current students and welcome new students into the community. The current term of the scholarship is for one year, with the aim of funding more years and scholarships as they become available. The school may award up to five scholarships, spread between re-enrolling and new students.