PWS Scholarships

Supporting the goal of Accessible Education at PWS.

From the beginning of Waldorf education, Rudolf Steiner envisioned that foundational and sustaining gifts from business and philanthropists would help to make a Waldorf education accessible to a wide range of potential students. We at PWS are so grateful to be the recipients of generous gifts from foundations and individuals that enable the school to keep Waldorf education accessible to more students.

The Emil Molt Scholarship

The Emil Molt Scholarship is to eligible students in grades 7- 12 to begin or sustain their enrollment at PWS through the completion of 12th grade. The fund offers partial and full scholarships to selected scholars up to a maximum of $5,000 per year in middle school and up to a maximum of $6,000 per year in high school.  Scholarship awards may be combined with tuition assistance offers from the school to reduce financial hurdles for families.  The Molt Scholarship is not limited to students who qualify for tuition assistance. Middle school students will be funded for grades seven and eight and may be eligible to re-apply for the high school scholarship before they enroll in grade nine. High school students will be funded over 4 years through the completion of high school.

PWS Scholarship for Equity, Inclusion, & Diversity

The PWS Scholarship for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity supports Waldorf education for current and new students from the Black community and other communities of color. The scholarship is open to any student who would also qualify for enrollment and Tuition Assistance at PWS. The scholarship is meant to help cover costs above the qualified Tuition Assistance award in order to help retain current students and welcome new students into the community. The current term of the scholarship is for one year, with the aim of funding more years and scholarships as they become available. The school may award up to five scholarships, spread between re-enrolling and new students.

Supporting the EID Scholarship

If you are interested in supporting the PWS Scholarship for Equity, Inclusion and Diversity financially, please click here.

Paul Livadary and Mary Christopher Scholarship

Pasadena Waldorf School’s Paul Livadary and Mary Christopher Scholarship is a needs-based merit scholarship established to benefit students who are entering the 9th grade at Pasadena Waldorf School, who also qualify for Tuition Assistance at PWS. Up to four scholarships will be awarded based on merit and demonstrated financial need. The award amount is up to $3,000 per student, in addition to Tuition Assistance, and is renewable for each of the four years of high school, contingent upon maintaining good academic and social standing, meeting expectations of scholars, and continuing to demonstrate financial need.