
From the beginning of Waldorf education, Rudolf Steiner envisioned that foundational and sustaining gifts from business and philanthropists would help to make a Waldorf education accessible to a wide range of potential students.

We at PWS are so grateful to be the recipients of generous gifts from foundations and individuals that enable the school to keep Waldorf education accessible to more students.      

Scholarship applications for the 2025-26 school year are now open.

The Emil Molt Scholarship

New Scholarship for Middle and High School Students 

From the beginning of Waldorf education, Rudolf Steiner and Emil Molt envisioned that foundational and sustaining gifts from business and philanthropists would help to make a Waldorf education accessible to a wide range of potential students. As a factory manager, Molt was very passionate about being able to create access to a meaningful, heart-based, academically and artistically rich education for the children of his factory workers as well as children from the Stuttgart area. He worked with Rudolf Steiner to open the first school and spent the rest of his life supporting a cooperative funding model between parents, businesses and local philanthropists. We at PWS are so grateful to be the recipients of a large foundation gift and be able to follow the idealistic lead of Emil Molt and other donors to keep  Waldorf education accessible to more students.    

Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, the Pasadena Waldorf School is pleased to be able to offer Emil Molt Scholarships to eligible students in grades 7- 12 to begin or sustain their enrollment at PWS through the completion of 12th grade.  The fund will offer partial and full scholarships to selected scholars up to a maximum of $5,000 per year in middle school and up to a maximum of $6,000 per year in high school.  Scholarship awards may be combined with tuition assistance offers from the school and with awards of the Lividary Christopher High School Scholarship to reduce financial hurdles for families.  The Molt Scholarship is not limited to students who qualify for tuition assistance. Families of selected Scholars will be responsible for fees and some portion of tuition based on their individual financial situation. Middle school students will be funded for grades seven and eight and may be eligible to re-apply for the high school scholarship before they enroll in grade nine. High school students will be funded over 4 years through the completion of high school.  

Scholarship Eligibility: 

  • The Emil Molt Scholarship at PWS is open to students enrolled at PWS entering grades 7-12 who are in good academic and social standing and families who are in good financial standing with the school. 

  • The scholarship is also open to applicants and newly enrolled students to PWS in grades 7- 12 who fit that criteria in their current or most recent school setting.   

  • All applicants will need to complete both a scholarship application and move though the Tuition Assistance (TA) application process to clarify the level of financial support that is needed. Not all potential scholars may qualify for TA according to the PWS criteria for TA awards, but all families must complete the TA process to provide a complete picture of the level of support needed from the scholarship funding.  

  • Participation in the TA process and remaining in good academic, social and financial standing at the school are necessary for ongoing scholarship support. 

  • Selected Scholars who also qualify for TA may be eligible for a full award up to $5,000 per year in middle school and up to $6,000 per year in high school. 

  • If the Scholar does not qualify for TA they may be granted a partial award up to the full amount.   

  • The scholarship represents a commitment to enrollment at PWS through high school graduation and applicants and or their families (age-dependent) will be expected to speak to this in the application process.  

  • Scholarships are seen as a commitment from the school to a student over time, there will be a re-application process for students moving from grade 8 to the high school 

  • In addition to considering applications to the scholarship, if funds are available, PWS may grant the award of full or partial scholarships to qualified students outside of the regular scholarship timeframe as needed. 

Emil Molt Scholarship Application Process: 

  • Follow the link to complete a scholarship application for the Emil Molt Scholarship. 

  • Contact Julia Echevarria ( ) to begin the process of a Tuition Assistance Application with School and Student Services (SSS).  (Reminder, not all potential scholars need to qualify for TA, but the information about the family’s financial picture is necessary for us to determine award amounts for selected scholars.) 

  • Applications will be reviewed by the scholarship selection committee and selected scholars, and their families will be notified by the school. New or revised enrollment contracts will be posted for parents to sign that reflect all TA and scholarship support. 

PWS Scholarship for Equity, Inclusion, & Diversity


The PWS Scholarship for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity supports Waldorf education for current and new students from the Black community and other communities of color. The scholarship is open to any student who self-identifies as a person who is Black or as a person of color, who would also qualify for enrollment and Tuition Assistance at PWS. The scholarship is meant to help cover costs above the qualified Tuition Assistance award in order to help retain current students and welcome new students into the community. The current term of the scholarship is for one year, with the aim of funding more years and scholarships as they become available. The school may award up to five scholarships, spread between re-enrolling and new students.

Learn more about the PWS EID Scholarship

If you would like more about EID Scholarship opportunities for your student, please fill out the short form below.

We invite you to direct any questions or comments to or call 626.794.9564.

To help support the PWS Scholarship for Equity, Inclusion and Diversity financially, please email

Paul Livadary and Mary Christopher Scholarship


Applications for the 2024-25 school year are now open. Click the button below for more information. Application Deadline: January 26, 2024

Pasadena Waldorf School's Paul Livadary and Mary Christopher Scholarship is a needs-based merit scholarship established to benefit students who are entering the 9th grade at Pasadena Waldorf School, who also qualify for Tuition Assistance at PWS. Up to four scholarships will be awarded based on merit and demonstrated financial need. The award amount is up to $3,000 per student, in addition to Tuition Assistance, and is renewable for each of the four years of high school, contingent upon maintaining good academic and social standing, meeting expectations of scholars, and continuing to demonstrate financial need.